Kiama Seaside Markets BBQ
Kiama Business Chamber organise the Seaside Markets on the 3rd Sunday of each month. A number of the recent markets have been cancelled due to high winds or the ground at Black Beach, Kiama being too wet to allow stall-holders to set up safely.
Luckily the extra Market on the 4th of August was able to proceed and Minnamurra Lions called on some additional assistance from our friends at the Kiama Mens Shed to assist on the day.
The day turned out to be a huge success and our thanks go to the willing volunteers from the Mens Shed who worked beside Lions Club members cooking sausage sandwiches and bacon & egg rolls for the hungry masses.
If you haven’t been along to one of these great events, come along on the Monday of the October long weekend or on any of the regular 3rd Sunday markets and see the fantastic array of stalls available and of course – have a sausage sandwich from our BBQ trailer!